Monday, August 31, 2009
A summer show I curated...
Will It Happen
Summer show
August 3 – August 23th, 2009
Opening reception Tuesday August 4th 6-9pm
Elga Wimmer Gallery is pleased to introduce the group exhibition Will It Happen as part I of two summer shows, produced and curated by Kelsey Harrington. Hours are Monday to Friday from noon to 6 pm or by appointment.
The title for this show, taken from an artwork made from lottery tickets, asks a question about the future. The exhibition features a selection of artworks that are representative of current studio practices. Rather than adhering to a preconceived strict thematic curatorial agenda, the work was selected following an open framework. The idea was to juxtapose works from a range of artists and find potential connections. Reflecting on the collected works, several themes emerge. One theme echoes the kind of anxiety or uncertainty embedded in the show’s title, which could also be what will happen? Or will what happens be good? In many cases, the artists manifest this anxiety via the figure, which is seen as misshapen, fragmented, operated upon, escaping, or simply missing. Another theme is a reliance on invention, free play, and intuition. Above all, there is a continued investment in material and formal concerns. It is almost as if the artists have responded to uncertain times by becoming more heavily invested in making and material.
The artists in the show are Rory Baron, Myles Bennett, Ginny Casey, Ama Saru & Hsiao Chen, Ghost of a Dream (a collaborative between Adam Eckstrom & Lauren Was), Rachel Frank, Laura Greengold, Kelsey Harrington, Amanda Lechner, Jon Meyer, Anna Mikhailovskaia, Ziad Naccache, Yuka Otani, Antonio Serna, Eduardo Terranova, Bo Yoon, and Brian Zegeer.
For further information or to schedule and appointment please contact Kelsey Harrington
Work in the show:
Ghost of a Dream (a collaborative between Adam Eckstrom & Lauren Was)
Will It Happen, Lottery tickets, 55”Dia.
Ziad Naccache
Ghost, oil on canvas, 20” x 24”
Untitled, oil on canvas, 20” x 24”
Myles Bennett
Unsubstantial Territories (canvas book), graphite, ink, and acrylic on canvas, 9”x11”
Flowers, Figure, Frottage (series of five drawings – pen and petal on paper) 14”x18”
Ama Saru & Hsiao Chen
Soft Spoken, silver gelatin print, (series of 6) 20”x24”
Yuka Otani
Drifting (personal island), mirrors, mylar film, styrofoam, 14" x 30" x 9'
Ginny Casey
Character Studies, (series) ink drawings on paper, 10” x 7”
Anna Mikhailovskaia
Draw.Cut.Fall., video on monitor
Neo Fossils, mixed media, 54” x 54”’ x 9”, & drawings, 20”x20”, gold leaf on paper
Bo Yoon
Evolution, mixed media (figures, frame, light), 12” x 90”
Rory Baron
Business As Usual, mixed media (MDF, paper mache, found branch, wood veneer), 4' x 2' x 8"
Kelsey Harrington (in back exhibition space)
Architecture of Reflection VI, black and white charcoal on gray paper, 32” x 40”
Untitled, white chalk on black paper, 42”x42”
Peggy Tan (in back exhibition space)
Untitled (book sculptures on desk), dimensions vary
Eduardo Terranova
Batea, (coffee, wine, 24Kgoldleaf, resin and hand stitching), on canvas, 48”x60”
Antonio Serna
Models, (canvas frames with cut burlap), 32” x 40”
Laura Greengold
Craft Ribbon, oil on linen
Rachel Frank
Untitled Marker, wood cloth, thread, stuffing, mirror glass beads and acrylic; 53x 22x 9"
Amanda Lechner
Straab Promenade, graphite, gouache, on paper 19”x25” (framed)
Jon Meyer
Mixed media, Dimensions variable
Brian Zeeger
digital video, 3mins